The Horrors of the Flesh Hive

As many of you know, our newest module is funding right now on Backerkit: The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow

As we head into the final phase of the campaign, I felt it pertinent to dive a little deeper into what is buzzing under the surface of Hungry Hollow. A look at a map, and spreads for the monsters in the module.

But what about the bees?

In N1, the secret conflict is there is a Spirit Naga who is using charm (mind control) to convert townsfolk into cultists. In Hungry Hollow, this framing has changed. The mysterious Brea has returned to her hometown, brining with her a power artifact she is using to grow a god. A biproduct of the pregnancy are parasite bees that she is using to convert townsfolk to her followers. The module takes place during the final days of her pregnancy, as her followers prepare for the birth of their god.

Here are some spreads showcasing some of the different monsters, and how the Facilitator can run those who have been infected. It also shows some of Amanda Lee Franck's amazing art.

The Campaign

We have about 12 days left in the campaign, and a few killer stretch goals:

Every print tier backer gets four printed Hungry Hollow character sheet bookmarks. 

Every print tier backer gets an additional copy of the Investigators Edition included. 

All backers get a digital module bundle included with purchase, which includes PDFs of all official modules: The Bloom, The Mall, The Bureau, and One Night at the Shelterwood Inn.

All print tier backers receive a printed map of Hungry Hollow that folds down to 6" x 9".

Where we are at in development?

  • All edits have been put into layout. 
  • A proof has been ordered from our printer to look at quality and specs.
  • Final proofing is underway for the text.
  • Maps are being completed.
  • Amanda is finishing the last piece of art (that was special ordered)
  • Then all that is left is bookmarking and hyperlinking.


Liminal Horror Investigator Edition Digital Version of 2nd Printing June 2024.pdf 11 MB
22 days ago

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