Deluxe Edition Incoming (and a special sneak peak)!

We're super excited to announce the upcoming Deluxe Edition of Liminal Horror. You can follow it on Backerkit now!

What is the Deluxe Edition?

This is explicitly not a 2nd edition of Liminal Horror. The core rules are fully compatible with all previously released zines (rules and adventures). We are keeping Liminal Horror Investigators in print as it acts as an easy player reference and contains the basic tools a Facilitator needs to run an LH adventure. The Deluxe Edition is enhanced, adding additional content while still keeping the original text relevant and usable. 

The Deluxe Edition adds a robust toolkit for Facilitators, and includes over 200 pages of optional rules, settings, monsters, lore, starter adventures, and Facilitator advice. It is everything you need to run any sub-genre of modern horror at your table. The biggest draw being an all new design, hardcover flourishes, and art throughout by Zach Hazard Vaupen.

Our major goals in creating a Deluxe Edition is backwards compatibility (which is why it is not a 2nd edition and instead an enhancement), usability for all types of players and facilitators (regardless of your experience running horror, old school style games, or running TTRPGs), and adding more content (both official and generative) for people running Liminal Horror.

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Sneak Peak

As my itch followers (and if you're perusing the LH itch page) I wanted to share two of my favorite monsters coming up in the Deluxe Edition. Zach Hazard Vaupen did his rendition of a Lich and a Werewolf and they did not disappoint:

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