Attribute Shift: WIL -> CTRL

Long Story Short: I've decided to change the Willpower (WIL) attribute to Control (CTRL).

During my Sunday morning editing/revising session I was revising the descriptions of  attributes, specifically WIL. In Liminal Horror, Willpower has an added layer of importance since:

  1.   Stress targets it, 
  2.   It is the attribute that reflects how investigators interface with the Weird.

As I was updating description of what situations it represents (lot of looking up definitions and synonyms) I stumbled on Control. Sometimes a word/phrase sticks with you, and as I continued to revise and edit the document I kept coming back to this idea of Control.

The more I dwelled upon it the more I liked the shift that Control represents in regards to investigators. It fills the role that Willpower does (overlapping considerably) but aligns that attribute more with the tone/themes I am aiming for in Liminal Horror.

Making the shift wasn't easy (well the literal changing in in the document is a simple replace all function) since it creates a divergence in the mechanics of Into the Odd/Cairn. Theres also the consideration that CTRL is four letters while STR, DEX, WIL are all three letters. So I sent the thought/reasonings to my friend and sounding board Will. His immediate response reaffirmed that the shift may be worth it. 

So I did it. WIL is now CTRL. They cover the same situations (with a bit more explicit emphasis on the weird) but CTRL being an upfront shift to reflect the difference in systems. 

Only time will tell if the change in name helps players grasp how that attribute/save is utilized in play. Because in the end what matters is that the mechanics support how players leverage the system to engage with the narrative. What sounds good in isolation needs to support the game, so only time and play will tell if it is the right choice. But at least I like how it looks and sounds. Aesthetics are good and now I need to figure out how to make a cool character sheet.

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Maybe abbreviate Control as CTL if you want it to match the three-letter abbreviations for Strength (STR) and Dexterity (DEX)?  Cheers man - this game looks wonderful!