A downloadable ttrpg adventure module

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The safeguards have failed. Red emergency lights flash as you stand in the lobby of the Bureau.

The Monolith crumbles at the hands of a catastrophic incursion.

Reality itself is at stake. 

There for different reasons, your group is now the only hope of stopping the encroachment of the Shadow.


The Bureau is a dungeon crawl for Liminal Horror. Journey into the bowels of the Monolith, the labyrinthine headquarters of a government organization charged with controlling the paranatural. A corrupting Shadow has made its way into the halls of the Bureau, compromising the organization and threatening the existence of life on Earth.

Players (3-5) will change as they gain fallouts and Resonant Artifacts in the hope that they become strong enough to stop what is coming. The text is presented as an operation manual put out by The Bureau, with governmental redactions and notes. It itself is a meta-in-universe artifact.

“The office as modern dungeon in this love letter to Control and Gradient Descent.”


  • Modern dungeon/information design employed to make navigating the text easy for the Facilitator.
  • Multiple formats for play (starting fresh, integrating into a campaign, one-shots, and funnel formats).
  • One page rules summary for Liminal Horror system (written specifically for this module).
  • Custom Character Creation (Personally Identifiable Information Policy) designed to be used specifically with this adventure.
  • 24 custom Operational Experiences (backgrounds) including equipment and story strings.
  • Four Key Personnel with secret knowledge, drives, and goals.
  • Confirmed Contact Report (monsters/challenges for the party to face).
  • Four Main Levels (Administration, Maintenance, Research, Containment) with 66 keyed rooms. Each floor has its own optional “Boss”
  • Multiple routes to navigate the structure, meaning no play-through with be the same (we were sure to Jaquays the dungeon/Monolith)
  • A condensed depth crawl on the final level leading to The Director (main boss).
  • Appendix A: CONSEQUENCES - a means to present some of the different factions in play and a non-comprehensive list of possible outcomes.
  • Appendix B: OPERATIONAL GUIDE - Options for converting this module to be used with Agents of the O.D.D., The Company, or Mothership 1E.
  • Appendix C: AGENTS AND FALLOUT - a 4d10 table to create Bureau agents (department, apparel, distinct feature, demeanor) as well as d12 custom Fallouts for this module.
  • Appendix D: RANDOM SEARCH - 32 unique items that can be found when searching rooms/bodies.
  • Appendix E: ARTIFACTS - 32 Resonant Artifacts (objects imbued with powers from other dimensions) that are both powerful and extremely dangerous.


  • Control (2019) - Remedy Entertainment
  • Gradient Descent (2020) - Tuesday Knight Games
  • Uzumaki (1998) - Junji Ito
  • Magnetic Rose (1995) - Katsuhiro Otomo
  • Legion (2017) - Noah Hawley/FX
  • House of Leaves (2000) - Mark Z. Danielewski
  • Death Stranding (2019) - Kojima Production
  • BioShock (2007) - Irrational Games
  • Severance (2022) - Dan Erickson
  • The works of Carl Jung





This module explicitly engages with oppressive governmental systems. The Bureau, as an organization, exploits and harms, and,as a structure, it and its employees often work against the well being of humanity.

Along with elements of body horror, gore, and helplessness, the module deals heavily with themes of corruption, which play into Liminal Horror’s Fallout mechanic. The horrors encountered through the course of play leave their mark on the Investigators, with those lost becoming pawns of the Shadow. As this deals directly with player agency, we highly recommend talking to your players ahead of time to ensure they are comfortable with exploring these themes. Removing Fallout or substituting with the standard entries in Liminal Horror will not change the content of the module in a substantial way.


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In order to download this ttrpg adventure module you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $7.50 USD. You will get access to the following files:

The Bureau_Singles_v1.0_052222 (5).pdf 16 MB
The Bureau_Spreads_v1.0_052222.pdf 13 MB
The Bureau_Character Sheet_Fillable_v1.0_060822.pdf 1.7 MB
Player Maps-20220621T172308Z-001.zip 344 kB
The Bureau at home printing booklet duplex.pdf 17 MB
The Bureau at home printing booklet.pdf 17 MB

Development log


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Hey there! I've got tasked with planning a one-shot for a 7 player party and I saw that sadly The Bureau can't carry that many players. I didn't see player counts for the other two modules though, do you have an estimate? x))

(1 edit)

Might be a bit late of a reply, but the optimal party size for most of the LH modules is 3-4 players. You can run The Bureau with more, but horror in general starts to break down a bit when you have such a large party, as y'all will effectively be a small army tearing this place up. 7 won't be the end of the world, but it'll be more "action" than horror.

I recently purchased a physical copy of this from a brick and mortar store in southeast Michigan.  Is there a way I can get access to the PDF from that?

Yes. Dm me (on Twitter or discord) and I’ll get it to you. 


Absolutely loved reading this. This is one of the best and most well laid-out adventures I've read in RPGs, full stop.

And I don't think it's just a reading experience - it's written to be played at the table.

One question - I assume the Weaver is a direct reference to Perdido Street Station? Loved that intertextual reference there.


I just read this, and it melted my face I love it so much.

I love all of the ( seeming) inspirations, like the SCP Foundation even though my lack of twitch skills means I can never play Control. 

I’m actually going to run this for my single player either our second or third story.

Thanks again for this awesome adventure!

Is there a chance for community copies?


I've been running this for my players the past few sessions and it's a hit! Great work and it the booklet makes it super easy for me to run with minimal prep!

Wobblies & Wizards episode:

Episode 1 of 7 Actual Play:

One-Shot Actual Play:

Tik Tok Review:

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