Layout completed!

Hey all!

I've completed the layout for The Mall. It is pretty much done in terms of text and design (I even did a ton of internal linking).

The last step is for Garbage Goat to finish up the interior art and then The Mall will be complete!

Oh... I also buried an important part of the lead...

The internal art from Trevor Henderson reveal! The color is used for the pdf, and the black and white will be used for the print run (more on t that later).

I hope you enjoy! I'm off to play OSE I'm already late. I just really wanted to finish up the internal linking (luckily I realized 30 minutes in that you want to hyperlink to anchors and not page numbers as affinity then makes it go to the bottom of the page).


The Mall (waiting on art).pdf 5.5 MB
May 11, 2022

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